

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Take care of your skin during the cold months

Each season presents different challenges for our skin. The heat and the cold hits us in different ways. If the skin is sweaty, this can cause heat rashes pigs, and problems with acne and fungal infections. In cooler temperatures, there are issues like the make-up to stop cracking and what you do for your skin for the holidays, which is good, despite the fresh and dry.

In cold weather it makes sense, not with a mild detergent anddry the skin too. If you have a humidifier that can help your skin from drying and cracking. Be gentle on the skin. E 'sensitive, and if it is losing moisture, you can get the other problems. For example, you can a cold sore eruption on the lips, if your skin is dry and you have the herpes virus in the system.

Cold Weather

People tend to drink less water in winter, but this is a mistake. Skin thrives with the right moisture conditions. With a warm scarf overprotect the face but can also result in contact with the dirt when the scarf does not wash often enough. The sun is still in force when the skin is cold. Just because you did not tremble means that the sun is not a danger. It can still cause sunburn, despite the fact that it's cold outside. Wear a sunscreen is essential in winter. damage to the skin before it can lead to future problems and the removal of stains as a pre-cancerous and cancerousolder. In addition, age spots are another negative consequence of damage to the skin.

Good nutrition and supplements for skin texture. After a bit 'of domestic oil, like olive oil or canola oil are nutritious. can help with masks with papaya or other ingredients, natural skin, peeling, and eat. If you purchase products, get those that are suitable for your skin type and not only what is popular.

Take care of your skin during the cold months


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