

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Lip Cold Sores - Cold air in winter and increase your cold sore outbreaks?

I noticed that when I was younger I'd be in the winter months some of my cold sores and lip. This did not happen much in other seasons. In summer, I noticed that if I put SPF 15 or higher on my lips, I could get a cold sore while exercising or on the beach. Studies show that exposure to UV light increases the incidence of a problem for cold sores. Durk Pearson Life Extension has discussed in his book in one of hisA pilot case study, the exposure has been prone to cold sore blisters due to UV.

After Abreva director or marketing, cold air can be re-activated the herpes simplex virus 1. In addition, during the winter months due to the fact that we are around people with colds and flu, we are exposed to factors that lower the immune system. If we get cold, we can also susceptible to a cold sore blister forming. Some people havereported that the wounds he had received influenza vaccine reduced their cold winter lip because the body was free of respiratory and immune systems were not affected.

Cold Weather

After chapped lips due to cold and dry air in the house, is another condition that can occur on cold sores. It 'important to have a good pen cap or moisturizer on your skin, use to protect them. The skin can be traumatized by hot air through extreme temperatures and the transition tovery cold air. Many remember his face and body moisture, but do not forget your lips.

Lip Cold Sores - Cold air in winter and increase your cold sore outbreaks?


Danielle Carothers said...

Can you suggest which is the best way to prevent cold sores?

get rid of cold sores

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